
Understanding the Marchman Act: Involuntary Commitment for SUD in Florida

1.0 CE Hours Clinical , Ethics
Bridging the Gap: A Law & Behavioral Health Summit
Understanding the Marchman Act: Involuntary Commitment for SUD in Florida




  • What happens to patients’ motivation if they are mandated to treatment? Study finds treatment and motivation for change are high and stable regardless of whether patients were in treatment on a voluntary or involuntary basis. (2020, February 28). Recovery Research Institute.
  • Chau, L. W., Erickson, M., Vigo, D., Lou, H., Pakhomova, T., Winston, M. L., MacPherson, D., Thomson, E., & Small, W. (2021). The perspectives of people who use drugs regarding short term involuntary substance use care for severe substance use disorders. International Journal of Drug Policy, 97, 103208.
  • Opsal, A., Kristensen, Ø., & Clausen, T. (2019). Readiness to change among involuntarily and voluntarily admitted patients with substance use disorders. Substance abuse treatment, prevention, and policy, 14(1), 47.
  • MPH, L. B., JD. (2018, January 24). Involuntary treatment for substance use disorder: A misguided response to the opioid crisis. Harvard Health Blog.