Bodhi Academy Psychedelic Guide and Facilitator Training
Bodhi Academy Psychedelic Guide and Facilitator Training
Unit 3
Unit 3: Screening, Intake, and Preparation for Psilocybin Services
During Unit 3, you’ll explore:
• Assessment methods and how to conduct client safety screenings and intakes, including a deep dive into harm reduction strategies, legal, and ethical considerations in psilocybin services, informed consent, and building a psychedelic-informed referral network
• Coaching skills for client-directed planning and preparation, using non-directive techniques, self-evaluation measures, unconditional positive regard, and client education
• How to cultivate cultural sensitivity, incorporate trauma-informed methods into client interactions, and maintain appropriate boundaries as a facilitator – and the consequences for clients, facilitators, and the field of psychedelic services when boundaries are breeched
• The importance of client mindset, how to assess and address fear, resistance, concerns, and preconceptions, managing expectations, and creating safety plans
• Traditional and indigenous methods of preparation, benefits of intention setting, risks around lack of preparation, and creating a client-led preparation plan
• Knowledge of the classic phases psychedelic experience, effective client and facilitator skills for navigating each phase, and how client education reduces harm
• Protocols, programs, coaching models, and tools for supporting clients exploring the benefits of microdosing and midi-dosing
• Determining readiness for psychedelic experience and the need for additional preparation sessions, teaching techniques that support safety and relaxation in administration sessions