Virtual Webinar On-Demand

Bodhi Academy Psilocybin Guide and Facilitator Training

0.0 CE Hours
Bodhi Academy Psilocybin Guide and Facilitator Training



Application Enrollment Form

This course requires all potential participants to complete an enrollment application. Submissions will be reviewed directly by Bodhi Academy staff. Applications that meet the criteria will be approved and prompted to pay the registration fee.

Click Here to Access the Application Enrollment Form


Psilocybin services will play a key role in the future of emotional, mental, and physical well-being. Our training program is designed to support professionals to safely and effectively incorporate psilocybin facilitation into their existing practice, and to master the art and science of natural medicines.


If you have experience in the healing arts or work as a professional in the psychological, healthcare, or wellness industries as a therapist, counselor, coach, addictions specialist, doctor, or nurse, and you are contemplating integrating psychedelic healing into your practice our comprehensive training program will support you to assist your clients or patients who are seeking support in this field.


These potent medicines hold the potential for a revolutionary shift in health and well-being as they can evoke transformative change. As a leader in your profession, you are in the best position to step into the expanding field of psychedelic support. Psychedelics are opening up a new arena of conscious exploration.


People are seeking the psilocybin experience now that legal systems have been created in Oregon and Colorado and legalization efforts are underway in many other states. Many of them need a deeper level of support as they are trying to heal long-term depression, trauma, addiction, and other complex challenges. These seekers need the support that clinical professionals, coaches, and other healing practitioners can provide when they have received high-quality training in psychedelic harm reduction and evidence-based methods for psilocybin facilitation.



This is a 6-month program with online and live synchronous trainings and a 100-hour supervised practicum that includes a 10 day retreat in Colorado. Please read the schedule closely to determine if you will be able to attend the required trainings.


In-Person Practicum Retreat

August 25 – September 3 2025


You’ll gather at a stunning Rocky Mountain retreat location in Colorado for the administration portion of your practicum. At the retreat, you’ll practice guiding individual and group administration sessions and retreat-based integration sessions with the guidance and support of supervisory faculty. 


You have the option to experience psilocybin as a student-client and receive facilitation services from your practicum partner. If you do not wish to consume psilocybin, other modalities for inducing non-ordinary states can be substituted such as sound therapy. Micro- and midi-dose options are also available. You’ll have the opportunity to attend daily debriefing, supervision, and mentoring sessions.


January 15 2025 – Enrollment Opens

During the enrollment period, you will complete your program application and begin to receive more detailed information about your upcoming training.


February 28 2025 – Enrollment Closes


March 3 2025 – Training Program Begins

Attendance is mandatory at all synchronous sessions. All synchronous sessions are held online via Zoom.


March 3-16: Unit 1 – Contemporary and Historical Uses of Psilocybin

March 12, 4-5:30pm: Synchronous Integration Session

March 16-April 15: Unit 2 – Core Knowledge and Skills for Professional Guides

March 26, 4-5:30pm: Synchronous Integration Session

April 9, 4-5:30pm: Synchronous Integration Session

April 15-May 6: Unit 3 – Guide Skills for Preparation

April 16, 2-5pm: Synchronous Video and Discussion

April 23, 4—6:30pm: Synchronous Integration Session

April 30, 1-5pm: Synchronous Video and Discussion

May 3, 9am-5pm: Synchronous Role Play Intensive

May 4, 9am-5pm: Synchronous Role Play Intensive

May 7, 4-5:30pm: Synchronous Integration Session

May 6-June 10: Unit 4 – Psychedelic Administration Knowledge and Skills

May 14, 4-5:30pm: Synchronous Integration Session

May 21, 1-5pm: Synchronous Video and Discussion

May 28, 1-5:30pm: Synchronous Video and Discussion

June 4, 1-5:30pm: Synchronous Video and Discussion

June 7, 9am-5pm: Synchronous Role Play Intensive

June 8, 10am-5:pm: Synchronous Role Play Intensive

June 10-July 5: Unit 5 – Guide Skills for Integration

June 11, 10am-4pm: Synchronous Video and Discussion

June 25, 1:30-5pm: Synchronous Video and Discussion

July 2, 10am-4pm: Synchronous Video and Discussion

July 12, 10am-5pm: Synchronous Role Play Intensive

July 5-19: Unit 6 – Guide Skills for Group Administration

July 9, 1-5:30pm: Synchronous Video and Discussion

July 16, 1-5:30pm: Synchronous Video and Discussion

July 19, 10am-5pm: Synchronous Role Play Intensive

July 19-29: Unit 7 – Special Topics in Psilocybin Services

July 23, 4-5:30pm: Synchronous Integration Session

July 30-September 5: Unit 8 – Practicum Training

Attendance is required at all practicum training sessions.

July 30, 1-5pm: Online Practicum Orientation Session

August 4, 1-5pm: Online Preparation: Intake, Legal, and Screening

August 6, 1-5pm: Online Preparation: Planning and Education

August 8, 1-5pm: Online Preparation: Group Planning, Orientation, and Preparation

August 25-September 3: 10-day In-person Administration Retreat

September 5, 1-5pm: Online Integration: Individual Integration

September 9, 1-5pm: Online Integration: Group Integration


Program Mentoring and Supervision Sessions

The program includes 50 hours of mentoring and supervision with faculty members. Attendance at these online sessions is required. 20 hours of group mentoring and supervision are provided during the 10-day retreat.

August 5, 4-6:30pm: Synchronous Mentoring and Consultation

August 7, 4-6:30pm: Synchronous Mentoring and Consultation

August 11, 4-6:30pm: Synchronous Mentoring and Consultation

September 8, 4-6:30pm: Synchronous Mentoring and Consultation

September 10, 4-6:30pm: Synchronous Mentoring and Consultation


Individual Mentoring and Supervision

Each student will meet with faculty for one hour during each month of training. Faculty will coordinate scheduling of the individual sessions with the students throughout the program.


Meet with Bodhi Academy Staff