Weight Inclusive Care for Newly Sober People
Date & Time
Cumberland Heights Main Campus
8283 River Road Pike
Nashville, TN 37209
Learning Objectives
Participants will be able to:
Identify 2 or more symptoms/behaviors that may indicate a patient is experiencing body image preoccupation and/or risk of disordered eating.
Define "Health At Every Size (c)," "Intuitive Eating" and "Weight Neutral/Weight Inclusive Healthcare"
Name 2 or more research studies that call into question common assumptions about the relationship between weight and health.
Identify 3 or more health benefits of a weight neutral approach toward healthcare indicated by current research.
Identify 4 baseline distortions in perception shared by all humans that make people susceptible to disordered eating and body-focused obsession.
Facilitate an experiential exercise to help patients gain awareness of authentic values and needs they may be attempting to meet via control of size, shape, appearance.
Identify 3 mindfulness training resources that can be matched/recommended to clients according to their worldview, religious practices and/or personal beliefs.
Identify 4 or more resources where patients can access ongoing support for weight inclusive care after discharge from treatment.
Educational Goal
related issues in non-pathologizing terms and offer tools and resources that are based in reality.
Patients of all sizes and shapes enter treatment with emotional impairment due to internalized weight stigma and a history of chronic dieting, with or without eating disorder diagnoses. As clinicians, we may observe patients flip from out-of-control substance use to over control of body weight/shape, but we don’t always know how to help patients care for their bodies in recovery, especially in a culture where disordered behavior is routinely prescribed. This workshop will increase awareness and understanding of these issues through self-reflection, case study, and reviewing current research on weight, health, and the positive impact of weight-neutral attitudes on health.
Target Audience
- Counselor
- Counselor
- Marriage & Family Therapist
- Marriage & Family Therapist
- Psychologist
- Psychologist
- Social Worker
- Social Worker
- Substance Use Disorder Professionals
- Substance Use Disorder Professionals

Rev. Christie Bates LPC-MHSP is a licensed professional counselor for Mississippi (#2424) and Tennessee (#3670), and an ordained contemplative minister. She specializes in treating chronic developmental stress and acute traumas via Brainspotting – a highly targeted somatic/mindfulness practice. She has extensive experience working with individuals and families in recovery from substance and process addictions such as impulse control disorders and eating disorders. This includes 12+ years of counseling, facilitation and program direction in residential treatment settings – including Cumberland Heights from March 2007 to May 2013. She has served in full-time private practice for the last 6+ years through her sole proprietorship, Pāssati Counseling & Direction.
A Board member of the Southeast Brainspotting Institute, Christie is also founder and facilitator of Body Justice Brainspotting, a peer consultation group of practitioners who use Brainspotting to support clients recovering from disordered eating and body image issues while treating the trauma of internalized weight stigma and discrimination. Additionally, she has developed mindful recovery resources for clients specific to recovery from disordered eating, chronic dieting and other forms of body obsession. In that vein, she is the author of The Beautiful Human: Contemplative Wisdom for Moving Beyond Diet Culture to Create a Life of Real and Lasting Beauty (2022) and the developer and administrator of “The Beautiful Human” App.
Financially Sponsored By
- Cumberland Heights Foundation