Livestream On-Demand

Understanding and Working with Vietnamese Americans


Date & Time

Learning Objectives

Participants will be able to:

  • Explain the enormous diversity in immigration.

  • Identify two or more ways Vietnamese American immigration experiences impact mental health.

  • Identify and describe two or more cultural factors that could affect the help-seeking process.

  • Identify and describe two or more strategies that can be used when working with Vietnamese American individuals.

Educational Goal

The educational goal of this workshop is to increase cultural understanding and learn effective strategies for working with the Vietnamese American population.


The workshop is designed to help the audience gain an understanding of the Vietnamese Americans immigration experience, cultural values, and attitudes toward seeking health/mental health services. The presenter will outline the enormous heterogeneity, in terms of immigration experience, within the Vietnamese American community. These diverse experiences will contribute to the current mental health issues and patterns of helpseeking. This workshop will introduce effective strategies for working with the Vietnamese American population.

Target Audience

  • Counselor
  • Marriage & Family Therapist
  • Medical Doctor
  • Psychologist
  • Registered Nurse
  • Social Worker
  • Substance Use Disorder Professionals


Dung Ngo, PhD

Dr. Dung Ngo received his doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology from Saint Louis University. He also completed both his Internship training and Postdoctoral fellowship at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, TX. Dr. Ngo specializes in Asian American Mental Health. He studied depression, PTSD, trauma, acculturation, domestic violence, and dementia among the Vietnamese American population. After the Gulf Coast Oil Spill, he spent 3 years in New Orleans, Biloxi, and Bayou La Batre developing and conducting mental health workshops to help the Vietnamese fishing communities to cope with the disaster. In addition, he has developed and conducted many Cultural Competency workshops, assisting health/mental health agencies, as well as legal and law enforcement personnels to work more effectively with the Vietnamese American communities across the Gulf Coast States. He is currently a faculty member at Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi. Dr. Ngo is an avid fisherman and enjoys cooking and spending time with his family and friends.

Financially Sponsored By

  • Aetna Better Health of Louisiana