In Person


Date & Time


Learning Objectives

Participants will be able to:

  • Define equilibrium and describe 3 strategies to incorporate it into daily life.

  • Describe the rainbow diet and list 3 ways to incorporate it into daily nutrition.

  • List 3 or more benefits of mindful breathing, meditation and the calming experience.

  • Explain the concept of EnerQi and list 3 ways it benefits individuals.


Maintaining Equilibrium in the ‘here and now’ while living the Enerqi Connection.

Designed for professionals working in behavioral, mental, and emotional health, and lay persons alike. This workshop will pinpoint mind/body techniques to use in the here and now, no matter where one is on the heath spectrum.
Techniques will include Acupuncture Energetics, Meditation/Mindfulness, Nutrition, Exercise, and Cognitive Awareness based on ancient healing practices that can readily be incorporated.

Attendees will gain insights and tools in coping with the pressures and anxieties of our modern culture. Discussion will include balanced nutrition, the importance of exercise, touch, healthy sexuality, sleep/rest, how to integrate meditation, and the value of reframing in communication’s

Target Audience

  • Counselor
  • Marriage & Family Therapist
  • Psychologist
  • Social Worker
  • Substance Use Disorder Professionals


Sheri Laine, L.Ac, Diplomate Ac, OM

Sheri Laine L.Ac, Diplomate OM, RS. President, Eastern Medical Arts, 1985– Sheri Laine is a Acupuncturist, Herbalist, and Recovery Specialist, combining a 39-year expertise in Nutrition and Chinese herbs. Sheri offers a uniquely effective and meaningful treatment approach that guides. Sheri’s focus is lifestyle medicine and cognitive enrichment through Oriental Medical techniques and teachings. As a clinician, Sheri supports individuals, athletes, children, animals- anyone in recovery, or those who are striving to achieve balance, fitness, and happiness through positive living choices. Sheri amplifies her expertise lifestyle mentoring. In addition, her methods also include meditation techniques, homeopathy, Bach flowers, and Fung Shui guidance. An author, educator and public speaker, Sheri’s books “The EnerQi Connection, and Living the EnerQi Connection; Manifesting Positive Change, describe natural energy and outline how individuals may easily cultivate their own innate EnerqQi.

Financially Sponsored By

  • The Global Exchange Conference - Exchange Events