In Person
The Global Exchange Conference (GXC) 2023

The Prescription to Heal Your Career & Avoid Burnout


Date & Time


Learning Objectives

Participants will be able to:

  • Learn workplace character archetypes.

  • Understand what happens in the body also happens in organizations. The same diseases that occur inside the body can happen within an organization.

  • Understand Burnout avoidance strategies for life balance.

  • Learn how to perform Burnout Prevention Brain Exercises.


The interactive session will examine burnout from a unique perspective by discussing career pitfalls, performing thought-provoking brain exercises, learning about character archetypes, and discussing how the same diseases that occur in the body can also happen in a career or corporate culture. There will also be a segment discussing how to chase passion and not money. The counterintuitive end result of following your calling or passion will eventually produce more income.

Target Audience

  • Counselor
  • Marriage & Family Therapist
  • Psychologist
  • Social Worker
  • Substance Use Disorder Professionals


Scott Cook, MD, MPH

Scott A. Cook, M.D., M.P.H. is an author, physician, businessman, and international lecturer. Currently, Dr. Cook is Medical Director & Chief Medical Officer at multiple addiction & mental health organizations. Dr Cook lectures on avoiding professional burnout and creating world-class corporate cultures. An avid traveler, Dr. Cook has visited more than 50 countries and lectured in many. He has published brain exercise books for both adults and children.

Financially Sponsored By

  • The Global Exchange Conference - Exchange Events