Self-Knowledge: A Journey to Confidence, Courage, and Creativity
Date & Time
Northern Hemisphere E3/4
1500 Epcot Resorts Boulevard
Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830
Learning Objectives
Participants will be able to:
Utilize and explain the components of self; the physical (nature), the environmental (nurture), innate/inborn characteristics, and the traits acquired through the experience of living (biography) to help patients build a more encompassing and empowered self definition.
Explain the concepts of Shadow Self as articulated by Carl Jung and the Higher Self to be able to explain and teach clients to enhance, diminish, or modulate the effect and power of each over their lives.
Compare and contrast Erik Erikson’s 8 Stages of Man (9 with the addition by his wife, Joan) to Biography Work’s model of human development, and explain how to utilize the advantages and strengths of each in narrative work with patients.
Explain and demonstrate at least two research-based benefits of having greater self esteem/self knowledge and at least two research-based benefits of holding religious/spiritual beliefs, which serve to build greater well being and health in their clients.
Aristotle said, “Self Knowledge is the beginning of all wisdom,” a sentiment repeated by numerous sages over the ages. But sadly, this view has been neglected in the recent psychological lexicon. This session examines self knowledge from many perspectives, sharing why it hasn’t been included in empirical psychology, the many benefits it offers to any individual, and the means of building greater self knowledge and the resulting solid self esteem. Confidence, self-determination, freedom in thought and action, courage to be true to one’s self, plus better mental health are all benefits of greater self knowledge. Research has shown that good self esteem is protective and curative for the internalizing disorders of depression, anxiety, eating disorders and suicidal thoughts as well as the externalizing disorders of substance abuse, violence and destructiveness.
Drawing on psychological theory and research, the field of biography work, and the proven benefits of spirituality/religiousness all grounded in therapeutic practice, an approach to helping clients acquire greater self knowledge will be explicated. The attendees will both learn the underlying theory and validating research behind this approach as well as experience some of the interventions.
In this therapeutic approach the components of the client’s self from the initial endowments from nature (heredity), nurture (environment), innate characteristics, on to biography work to reflect on the developing self throughout their life story. To complete the picture the higher self, the shadow self (as articulated by CJ Jung) and consideration of spirituality as well as self esteem are explored.
After the session, the attendees will understand the importance and value of self knowledge, learn how to help clients awaken to their authentic self and see their lives as heroic journeys. Methods, contents, formats to achieve good therapeutic results are given life in this journey of self knowledge.
Target Audience
- Counselor
- Marriage & Family Therapist
- Psychologist
- Social Worker
- Substance Use Disorder Professionals

Ann Sawyer received her Bachelor’s Degree in psychology from the University of Michigan and her Master’s Degree from the University of Chicago’s School of Social Service Administration. Her specialty throughout her career has been mental and behavioral health. Ann has had her LCSW license since 1986 working in community mental health centers and group private psychiatric practices.
Ann has kept abreast of changes in theory and practice by attending conferences, earning 15 credits a year. She takes an eclectic approach, client centered with the goal of building health, not just alleviating the symptoms of the disorder. After many years of individual and couples therapy, Ann is now facilitating guided group therapy, one of which is ‘Solving the Mystery of You’.
Ann’s other endeavors include, instructor undergraduate social work program at Mount Mercy University, Iowa 1990 -95, author of “The MS Recovery Diet,” Avery/Penguin, 2007 selling 25,000 copies.

In her transformative journey through biography work, Susan found greater self-knowledge, confidence, and inner peace. Her own story revealed the beauty, magic, and power of her inner self, opening her heart, mind and soul even more. Wanting to share this inspiring and uplifting experience with others, Susan became first a Certified Biography Facilitator giving guidance and workshops to many and is now the president of the board of the Center for Biography and Social Art. Susan’s desire to do more to share this empowering approach has led her to co-author “Solving the Mystery of You,” with Ann Sawyer, LCSW.
But then Susan’s approach to life has always been to help others, to find beauty and create health as seen in her adoption of two older abandoned Guatemalan children to love and nurture along with her biological son. All her various careers in organic gardening leading to her being on the board of the Biodynamic Gardening and Farming Association, in her being the CEO of Dr. Hauschka’s Skin Care, taking it from a small niche company to a preeminent skin care brand, reflects her commitment to what is natural, healthy, and holistic. Her books: “Awakening Beauty the Dr. Hauschka’s Way,” about empowering others to find their beauty. “Beecoming Sophia,” about the plight of the bumble bee, “Gardens of Karma: Harvesting Myself Among the Weed,” about transcendence, all reflect her caring and inspirational approach to life. This guide, “Solving the Mystery of You,” leads the reader to their own beauty, magic of inner soul and self, and a meaningful life and inner peace.
Financially Sponsored By
- The Global Exchange Conference - Exchange Events