The Global Exchange Conference | Illuminate Your World
Rethinking Addiction Treatment, A Trauma-Informed Approach: It’s Personal
Rethinking Addiction Treatment, A Trauma-Informed Approach: It’s Personal
1.0 CE Hours
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- American Addiction Centers (2024) History of Drug Abuse and Addiction in the U.S. and Throughout the World. What Is the History of Substance Abuse Rehabilitation?Accessed: 17 August 2024 Available: https://drugabuse.com/addiction/history-drug-abuse/
- Amercian Addiction Centres (2022) Portugal's Harm reduction Policies Seem to be Working. Accessed: 24 August 2024. Available:https://americanaddictioncenters.org/blog/portugals-harm-reduction-policies
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- National Harm Reduction Coalition.2024. Alternativer to Public Injections. Background, Aims and Objectives. Accessed: 28 August Available: https://harmreduction.org/issues/supervised-consumption-services/
- National Harm Reduction Coalition.2024. Principles of Harm Reduction. Accessed : 24 August 2024. Available: https://harmreduction.org/about-us/principles-of-harm-reduction/
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- South African Society of Psychaitrists.2024. The SA War on Substance Abuse. Accessed: 25 August, 2024. Available: https://www.sasop.co.za/sa-war-on-substance-abuse
- South African Government (2024) International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking 2024 Accessed: 17 August 2024 Available: https://www.gov.za/InternationalDayAgainstDrugAbuseandIllicitTrafficking2024
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