
Rainbow Ethics: Integrating Ethical Reflection and Practice in Working with Queer & Trans Clients

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SAIGE Rainbow Certificate Program: Level 1
Rainbow Ethics: Integrating Ethical Reflection and Practice in Working with Queer & Trans Clients




  • Dolgoff, R., Harrington, D., & Loewenberg,F.M. (2012). Ethical decision for social work practice (9th ed.). Brooks/Cole.
  • Kocet, M.M.. & Herlihy, B. (April 2014). Addressing value-based conflicts within the counseling relationship: A decision-making model. Journal of Counseling and Development, 92, 180-186. DOI: 10.1002/j.1556-6676.2014.00146.x
  • Sheperis, D., Churovich, Stacy H., & Kocet, M. M. (2025). Ethical decision making for the 21st century counselor. Cengage.