One Recovery, Many Paths: How to Integrate Nature-Based Traditions Into your Treatment Plan: How to Integrate Nature-Based Traditions Into your Treatment Plan
One Recovery, Many Paths: How to Integrate Nature-Based Traditions Into your Treatment Plan: How to Integrate Nature-Based Traditions Into your Treatment Plan
Date & Time
Northern Hemisphere E3/4
1500 Epcot Resorts Boulevard
Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830
Learning Objectives
Participants will be able to:
List 3 evidence-based nature-based traditions.
Describe 3 types of Interactions with Nature that can be incorporated into treatment.
Describe the 4 Direction Model of Recovery.
Identify the nature based principles and describe how they can be applied to a treatment plan.
Nature-based traditions and practices have been shown to help people with substance use and co-occurring disorders heal and navigate long-term recovery. Evidence-based nature practices are derived from the applied practice of the emergent field of ecopsychology, developed by Theodore Roszak.
Nature-based therapeutic practices partially stem from the belief that people are part of the web of life and that we are not isolated or separate from our environment. Ecopsychology is informed by systems theory and provides individuals with an opportunity to explore their relationship with nature.
Target Audience
- Counselor
- Marriage & Family Therapist
- Psychologist
- Social Worker
- Substance Use Disorder Professionals

Renee Baribeau is a Natilus award-winning, best-selling author (Winds of Spirit, Hay House; contributor, Energy magazine) and a dynamic speaker who injects humor and practical wisdom into workshops and presentations. She’s a Wind Whistler using nature as her guide to assist individuals toward transformation, awakening and true purpose. She is Branding and Outreach manager for Renewal Health Group and Montare Behavioral Health, the founder-creator of the Finding Freedom LGBTQ symposium and the new Emerging Themes in Behavioral Health (2022).
Financially Sponsored By
- The Global Exchange Conference - Exchange Events