Multicultural Sports Counseling Advanced Training Program
Module 4: Advanced Issues and Techniques in Counseling Athletes
Module 4: Advanced Issues and Techniques in Counseling Athletes
3.0 CE Hours
- American Counseling Association [ACA]. (2014). 2014 aca code of ethics. https://www.counseling.org/resources/aca-code-of-ethics.pdf
- Leslie-Toogood, L., & Gill, E. (2008). Advising student-athletes: A collaborative approach to success (MonographySeries Number 18). National Academic Advising Association.
- Pierre-Louis, S. (2023). Winning strategies for life: The athlete’s guide to thriving in the workplace, utilize your sports skills for career success. Independently Published.
- Tinsley, T. M., & Walker, A. S. (2014). Career development interventions with intercollegiate student-athletes. In G. Eliason, T. Eliason, J. Samide, J. Patrick (Eds.), Career Counseling Across the Lifespan: Counseling for Community, Schools, Higher Education, and Beyond. Information Age Publishing Inc.