Virtual Webinar

Module 3: Counseling and Advising Athletes with Death, Grief, and Loss

3.0 CE Hours Clinical
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Multicultural Sports Counseling Advanced Training Program
Module 3: Counseling and Advising Athletes with Death, Grief, and Loss




  • Fogaca, J., Cupit, I, & Gonzalez, M. (2021). Teeming with grief: Sports teams’ need resources and support during bereavement. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 17(2), 148-164.
  • Manthey, Clare and Smith, Jimmy (2023) "“You need to allow yourself to grieve that loss and that identity.” College Athletes’ Transition to Life After College Sport.”," Journal of Athlete Development and Experience, 5(1) DOI:
  • Protivnak, J. J., Tessmer, S. S., Lockard, N. L., & Spisak, T. (2023). Unrecognized Grief: Counseling Interventions for Injured Student-Athletes. Journal of Counselor Practice, 14(1), 75-101.
  • Worden, J. W. (2018). Grief counseling and grief therapy: A handbook for the mental health practitioner (5th ed.). Springer Publishing Company, LLC.