Module 1: EMDR and Eating Disorders
6.0 CE Hours
- Bloomgarden, A., & Calogero, R.M. (2008). A randomized experimental test of efficacy EMDR treatment on negative body image in eating disorder inpatients. Eating Disorders, 16, 418-427. Doi:10.1080/10640260802370598.
- Mitchell, K., Mazzeo, S., Schlesinger, M., Brewerton, T., Smith, B. (2012). Comorbidity of partial and subthreshold PTSD among men and women with eating disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey-Replication Study. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 45, 307-315.
- Seubert, A. & Virdi, P. (Eds.) (2024) Trauma Informed Approaches to Eating Disorders (2nd ed.). Springer.
- Smyth, J., Heron, K., Wonderlich, St., Crosby, R., & Thompson, K. (2008). The influence of reported trauma and adverse events on eating disturbance in young adults. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 41(3), 195–202.
- Tagay, S., Schlegl, S., Senf, W. (2010). Traumatic events, posttraumatic stress symptomatology and somatoform symptoms in eating disorder clients. European Eating Disorders Review, 18, 2, 124–132