GXC Discovery Intensive – Facilitating Experiential Group Therapy
GXC Discovery Intensive – Facilitating Experiential Group Therapy
Date & Time
Europe 1-8
1500 Epcot Resorts Boulevard
Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830
Learning Objectives
Participants will be able to:
Describe 2 or more benefits of experiential work.
Explain how experiential methodology creates group cohesion and expands participant experiences.
Identify 3 experiential methodologies.
This workshop focuses on the theoretical basis of action oriented experiential methodologies. Behavioral Health professionals often use experiential therapy in the treatment of trauma, attachment repair, behavior disorders, anger, grief and loss recovery, substance abuse, and various types of physical and behavioral addictions or compulsive behaviors. This workshop will be an embodied experiential group. Facilitators will guide the group through experiential activities aimed to support healing and connection to self and others.
Target Audience
- Counselor
- Marriage & Family Therapist
- Medical Doctor
- Registered Nurse
- Social Worker
- Substance Use Disorder Professionals

Sheila has been working with individuals, couples, groups and families for more than 20 years. She owns a group practice Relationshipenrichmentcenter.com that relies heavily on family systems theory and experiential therapy. This means that a client won’t be asked to do anything that she and her staff haven’t done themselves. Sheila also facilitates workshops for individuals, couples and families through SteppingIntoWholeness.com. Sheila also works with professionals providing training, continuing education and clinical supervision in North Carolina. She obtained her “S” in 2013 and enjoys teaching, facilitating and guiding therapists in developing into their full potential, and full licensure. She provides both individual and group supervision for LCMHCAs which typically takes 2-3 years. She trains professionals, provisionally licensed and fully licensed therapists in treating trauma. Sheila has been a consulting therapist, supervisor and facilitator of the Experiential Training Institute with the nationally recognized Onsite Workshops, and has enjoyed being a part of their organization throughout her career. She is also a Certified Daring Way Facilitator which means she’s certified in Brene Brown’s work and leads groups dealing with shame, resilience, and worthiness. Sheila’s group practice is in Matthews, NC. She lives in Matthews and enjoys a rich marriage and family life with her husband, son and extended family.

Licia Sky is a somatic educator, artist, singer-songwriter, and bodyworker who works with traumatized individuals and trains mental health professionals to use mindful meditation in movement, theater exercises, writing, and voice as tools for attunement, healing, and connection. She is a regular instructor in trauma healing workshops at Cape Cod Institute, Kripalu, Menla, and Esalen. For the past decade, she has been teaching expanded awareness in workshops to clinicians and laypeople worldwide. www.trauamresearchfoundation.org
Financially Sponsored By
- The Global Exchange Conference - Exchange Events