Virtual Webinar In-Person

Examining Sexuality and Sexual Health in Recovery

1.5 CE Hours Clinical Intermediate
Examining Sexuality and Sexual Health in Recovery



Date & Time


Learning Objectives

Participants will be able to:

  • List at least three challenges clinicians face when talking about sexuality in treatment.

  • Demonstrate introspection by listing at least two struggles they have with talking about sex in treatment.

  • Develop a sample treatment plan focused on sexual health.

Educational Goal

This presentation will assist the clinician in focusing on sexual health as part of recovery and provide specific treatment questions and interventions to enhance clinical practice.


Talking about sexuality is often difficult and uncomfortable. Most clinicians have limited training or experience talking about sexuality, sexual health, and sexual problems. It is critical to examine the sexual health of a client and to develop an understanding of what they are experiencing. Sexuality and spirituality are often at odds, and this workshop will discuss this dynamic. This workshop will also explore the importance of talking about sexuality and the usefulness of developing an understanding of a client’s sexual history, sexual thoughts, and sexual behaviors.

Target Audience

  • Counselor
  • Marriage & Family Therapist
  • Psychologist
  • Social Worker
  • Substance Use Disorder Professionals


John J. O'Neill EdD, LCSW-S, LCDC (he/him)

Dr. John O’Neill (he/him) is the Chief Clinical Officer at Luna Recovery Services. He holds a doctoral degree with an emphasis in behavioral health and a master’s degree in social work from Arizona State University. Dr. O’Neill spent 16 years in various roles at The Menninger Clinic. Dr. O’Neill spent 12 years directing the mental health and sport performance programs for the Houston Astros and Major League Baseball’s Umpire Development Program. O’Neill has also appeared and been heard on ESPN Outside the Lines, The Deborah Duncan Show, Fox News, National Public Radio, Sirius XM Radio, and KTRH Radio. In the past 30 years, O’Neill has developed and presented over a hundred programs on family dynamics, attachment, trauma, suicide prevention, addictions, and co-occurring disorders.

Financially Sponsored By

  • Luna Recovery Services, LLC