Effective Clinical and 12-Step Model Integration for Dual Diagnosis Treatment
Educational Goal
Participants will gain competency in appropriately integrating 12-Step Programs with clinical care for people with dual diagnoses.
Many clients with dual diagnoses are being treated by clinicians at various levels of care along with attending 12-Step programs. Many are receiving differing information at 12-Step meetings that may seemingly contradict their mental health treatment. This presentation is intended to help clinicians to synthesize the clinical and 12-Step models. There will be a brief overview of evidence-based dual diagnosis treatment and how 12-Step Programs are often involved in that process for many clients. The
purpose, intention, and limitations of 12-Step programs will be described. Appropriate and inappropriate integration of 12-Step program concepts, literature, and suggestions that complement dual diagnosis treatment will be described. Integrated treatment suggestions with being offered in addition to case examples in order to demonstrate how best to combine these treatment modalities.
Target Audience
- Counselor
- Marriage & Family Therapist
- Psychologist
- Social Worker
- Substance Use Disorder Professionals

Sarah Allen Benton is the Co-Owner of Benton Behavioral Health Consulting, LLC specializing in clinical and business support services. She is a Clinical Outreach Manager for Aware Recovery Care where she was the former Director of Clinical Services in North Haven, CT. Sarah is a Clinical Consultant for The Strathmore House, transitional sober living, and Lynch Wellness Professional Group in Boston, MA. She also worked as a Therapist at McLean Hospital in Belmont, MA at McLean Brook’s dual diagnosis transitional treatment program, McLean Klarman Center for eating disorder treatment, and the McLean Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Institute. She is the author of the book “Understanding the High-Functioning Alcoholic” and has been featured in the New York Times, on The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Today Show, CBS Early Show, SiriusXM, NPR, and writes a blog on Psychology Today.com.