Virtual Webinar In-Person On-Demand

Burro Assisted Services: The Values and Disadvantages of Working with Non-Domesticated Animals in an EAS Setting: Room C

1.0 CE Hours General
International Veterinary Social Work Summit: 8th Annual
Burro Assisted Services: The Values and Disadvantages of Working with Non-Domesticated Animals in an EAS Setting: Room C




  • Décory, M. S. M. (2019). A Universal Definition of “Domestication” to Unleash Global Animal Welfare Progress. Derecho Animal. Forum of Animal Law Studies, 10(2), 39.
  • Ransom, J. I., & Cade, B. S. (2009). Quantifying Equid Behavior - A Research Ethogram for Free-Roaming Feral Horses. Techniques and Methods.
  • Safryghin, Alexandra, et al. “Testing for Behavioral and Physiological Responses of Domestic Horses (Equus Caballus) across Different Contexts – Consistency over Time and Effects of Context.” Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 10, 18 Apr. 2019, Accessed 11 Mar. 2020.