Virtual Webinar

Blindsided by Kratom: The Accessible Opioid

1.5 CE Hours General Intermediate
Blindsided by Kratom: The Accessible Opioid




  • Abdullah, H. M. A., Haq, I., & Lamfers, R. (2019). Cardiac arrest in a young healthy male patient secondary to kratom ingestion: Is this “legal high” substance more dangerous than initially thought? BMJ Case Reports, 12(7), e229778.
  • Agapoff, J. R., & Kilaru, U. (2019). Outpatient buprenorphine induction and maintenance treatment for kratom dependence: A case study. Journal of Substance Use, 24(6), 575–577.
  • Antony, A., & Lee, T.-P. (2019). Herb-induced liver injury with cholestasis and renal injury secondary to short-term use of Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa). American Journal of Therapeutics, 26(4), e546–e547.
  • Bowe, A., & Kerr, P. L. (2020). A complex case of kratom dependence, depression, and chronic pain in opioid use disorder: Effects of buprenorphine in clinical management. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 52(5), 447–452.
  • Burke, D., Shearer, A., & Van Cott, A. (2019). Two cases of provoked seizure associated with kratom ingestion. Neurology, 92(15 Supplement), P4.5-030.
  • Dorman, C., Wong, M., & Khan, A. (2015). Cholestatic hepatitis from prolonged kratom use: A case report. Hepatology, 61(3), 1086–1087.
  • Diep, J., Chin, D. T., Gupta, S., Syed, F., Xiong, M., & Cheng, J. (2018). Kratom, an emerging drug of abuse: A case report of overdose and management of withdrawal. A&A Practice, 10(8), 192–194.
  • Drago, J. Z., Lane, B., Kochav, J., & Chabner, B. (2017). The harm in kratom. Oncologist, 22(8), 1010–1011.
  • Eggleston, W., Stoppacher, R., Suen, K., Marraffa, J. M., & Nelson, L. S. (2019). Kratom use and toxicities in the United States. Pharmacotherapy, 39(7), 775–777.
  • Fernandes, C. T., Iqbal, U., Tighe, S. P., & Ahmed, A. (2019). Kratom-induced cholestatic liver injury and its conservative management. Journal of Investigative Medicine High Impact Case Reports, 7, 2324709619836138.
  • Galbis-Reig, D. (2019). A case report of kratom addiction and withdrawal. WMJ, 115(1), 49–52.
  • Griffiths, C. L., Gandhi, N., & Olin, J. L. (2018). Possible kratom-induced hepatomegaly: A case report. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association (2003), 58(5), 561–563.
  • Hanapi, N. A., Chear, N. J., Azizi, J., & Yusof, S. R. (2021). Kratom alkaloids: Interactions with enzymes, receptors, and cellular barriers. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 12, 751656.
  • Hassan, Z., Suhaimi, F. W., Ramanathan, S., Ling, K.-H., Effendy, M. A., & Muller, C. P. (2019). Mitragynine (Kratom) impairs spatial learning and hippocampal synaptic transmission in rats. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 33(7), 908–918.
  • Hemby, S. E., McIntosh, S., Leon, F., Cutler, S. J., & McCurdy, C. R. (2019). Abuse liability and therapeutic potential of the Mitragyna speciosa (kratom) alkaloids mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine. Addiction Biology, 24(5), 874–885.
  • Henningfield, J. E., Chawarski, M. C., Garcia-Romeu, A., et al. (2023). Kratom withdrawal: Discussions and conclusions of a scientific expert forum. Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports, 7, 100142.
  • Ilmie, M. U., Jaafar, H., Mansor, S. M., & Abdullah, J. M. (2015). Subchronic toxicity study of standardized methanolic extract of Mitragyna speciosa Korth in Sprague-Dawley rats. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 9, 189.
  • Jaliawala, H. A., Abdo, T., & Carlile, P. V. (2018). Kratom: A potential cause of acute respiratory distress syndrome. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 197, A6604.
  • Khazaeli, A., Jerry, J. M., & Vazirian, M. (2018). Treatment of kratom withdrawal and addiction with buprenorphine. Journal of Addiction Medicine, 12(6), 493–495.
  • Kruegel, A. C., Gassaway, M. M., Kapoor, A., et al. (2016). Synthetic and receptor signaling explorations of the mitragyna alkaloids: Mitragynine as an atypical molecular framework for opioid receptor modulators. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138(21), 6754–6764.
  • Kruegel, A. C., & Grundmann, O. (2018). Pharmacology of kratom and its constituents: Towards a better understanding of the drug. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 9, 196.
  • Lynn, A. M., Gopalan, G., Khosravi, M., Kline, J., & Levy, C. (2020). The effects of kratom on opioid withdrawal symptoms: A case report. American Journal of Therapeutics, 27(3), e373–e375.
  • Mason, D. M., & Zoller, J. E. (2018). Exploring the intersection of kratom use, opioid use disorder, and chronic pain: A case report. Pain Medicine, 19(3), 604–606.
  • Meyer, M. R., & Peters, F. T. (2020). The effects of kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) on opioid receptors: A systematic review. Drug Testing and Analysis, 12(8), 1218–1230.
  • Morita, Y., Matsuda, Y., Watanabe, K., Takagi, Y., & Nakae, T. (2022). The analgesic effects of mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine in mice: A behavioral and pharmacological study. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 45(3), 384–392.
  • Murray, A. R., & Stiles, M. A. (2020). Adverse effects of kratom: A review of the literature. Journal of Medical Toxicology, 16(4), 309–316.
  • Nathanson, D. (2017). The kratom controversy: An overview of the use, effects, and potential health risks of kratom. Journal of Addiction Medicine, 11(4), 245–250.
  • Rogers, M. C., & Flentke, G. R. (2020). Kratom: A comprehensive review of its pharmacology and potential health effects. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 77(10), 757–766.
  • Sawyer, K. L., & Williams, C. K. (2019). Kratom: A comprehensive review of the literature and future research directions. Journal of Addiction Medicine, 13(3), 1–10.
  • Sweeney, K. (2021). A report of kratom dependence. American Journal of Psychiatry, 178(12), 1194.
  • Wang, C. M., Hsiao, Y. T., Cheng, M. C., & Chiu, P. Y. (2019). Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa): A review of the pharmacological and toxicological effects. Drug Safety, 42(8), 865–874.