Virtual Webinar On-Demand

Black Women & Burnout: The Traumatic Impact of Racism & the Strong Black Woman Myth

Presented by Lisa Lackey
1.0 CE Hours General
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Black Women & Burnout: The Traumatic Impact of Racism & the Strong Black Woman Myth


Date & Time


This course offers a basic healing guide for you to follow as we return to America’s dangerous “normal” – a “normal” composed of toxic hustle culture, racism, and violence. It will give you the tools you need to carve out your space, protect yourself from burnout from the inside out, and thrive emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Target Audience

  • Counselor
  • Psychologist
  • Social Worker
  • Substance Use Disorder Professionals


Lisa Lackey

I have worked in the field of addiction and trauma since 1994. My husband, Steve, and I co-founded Insideout Living, Inc. in 1999 and incorporated in 2008. We envisioned a clinical practice that would help people make sense of parts of their lives that were confusing, overwhelming, and painful. We believe that trauma healing comes from finally completing an emotional experience that may have only been completed as a physical experience long ago.

Through compassion, cutting-edge treatment modalities, and a great team, we believed and continue to believe that life can change. We knew if we could help people understand their own backstory and how it currently informs the present, they inadvertently trapped parts of their life experience, they could begin to see their patterns, why they were formed and taught new patterns, they could begin to make small shifts, that would lead to bigger changes. This process gives access to pain and trauma that are stuck and supportive others, where the feelings can be released. “Limbic re-visioning” is about rewiring the neural structure of a person who has suffered trauma or emotional neglect. For this to occur, an external example must be present for the limbic brain to mimic. Deep, respectful, contemplative, and heart based listening based on acceptance creates an optimal model for the traumatized limbic system to mimic as it is restructuring.

A passion drives me to support persons as they journey toward resolution from the inside out. My clinical expertise is in the treatment of sexual addiction, trauma, other addictions. Other areas of expertise include codependency, depression, and anxiety. While my passion is working with couples, I also work with individuals and groups. I have two Master’s Degrees, one in Education from Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary at Northwestern University and the other in Counseling from National-Louis University; I’ve worked as a pastor, leadership development consultant, and public speaker in a variety of venues. I love learning and teaching what I learn. I am a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT) Certified Multiple Addictions Therapist (CMAT), I have some training in Somatic Transformation, and I am a Level II EMDR therapist. My passion for what I do makes me a dynamic and compassionate therapist and an engaging speaker who connects as easily with an individual as I do with a large audience.