Virtual Webinar
AzCA On-Demand Supervision Training
12.0 CE Hours
12.0 On-Demand
AzCA On-Demand Supervision Training
- American Counseling Association. (2014). 2014 ACA code of ethics. https://www.counseling.org/docs/default-source/default-document-library/ethics/2014-aca-code-of-ethics.pdf
- The Approved Clinical Supervisor (ACS) Code of Ethics. (2008). Center for Credentialing and Education. https://9333c1eb33b3ba8ba0b2-1cd19582dcec697977ad83687a244212.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/azca_12b4fea4c330dbe20ab91a7d0525a7f4.pdf
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