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ACE Talk 2024: Innovations in Adolescent Treatment





The Adolescent Clinical Excellence Conference brings together renowned speakers, subject matter experts and innovative practitioners dedicated to delivering the highest quality substance use disorder and mental health treatment for the adolescent population. This conference will meet your high expectations for deepening your knowledge of treatment modalities, family systems, and trauma-informed care.

Target Audience

  • Counselor
  • Marriage & Family Therapist
  • Psychologist
  • Social Worker
  • Substance Use Disorder Professionals


Mike Giresi, CAC

Mike found his passion for helping others through his own journey of healing and recovery. Mike is a Florida Certified Addiction Counselor and an Internationally Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor. Mike is also a nationally Certified Trauma Professional, Neuro Affective Relational Model® (NARM®) Practitioner, and received advanced training in Yoga and Meditation training while studying in India. Mike started his career in the mental health field working with adult clients who suffered from complex trauma and PTSD, as well as chemical and process addictions, and has since focused his attention on helping teens and their families find hope and healing.


In addition, Mike is a national speaker, consultant, and trainer on the topics of developmental trauma, addiction, and adolescent treatment. Utilizing his extensive training and experience in the fields of trauma, somatic psychology, interpersonal neurobiology, and addiction treatment, Mike is responsible for the design, implementation, and continuous improvement of individual, group, and family therapy programming for clients and their loved ones at Family First.

Krissy Pozatek, MSW

Krissy PozatekMSW has had almost 30 years of experience in the wilderness therapy and adolescent treatment field. Krissy received her education at Middlebury College, Smith College and NM Highlands University. As an adolescent and young adult therapist, Krissy’s clinical experience includes the treatment of adoption issues, trauma, self-harming behavior, substance abuse, personality disorders and family system problems.

Krissy switched to Parent Coaching in 2006 and currently works with parents of struggling adolescents and young adults in her parent coaching practice, Parallel Process and on her digital coaching platforms. She is the author of The Parallel Process, the landmark book that teaches parents how to grow alongside their struggling adolescent or young adult child in treatment. Krissy has coached parents in a home transition program since 2012, and launched Parallel Process Transitions in 2023. Krissy was also a visiting professor at Middlebury College. Krissy is the mother of 2 daughters (one is a young adult and one a teen), and lives in Vermont with her partner. She loves to travel, to be in nature, skiing, hiking, yoga and mostly being with her family.


J.C.  HallLCSWEXAT  is a Hip Hop artist and social worker who runs the Hip Hop Therapy Studio program at Mott Haven Community High School, a second-chance school in the South Bronx. In 2013, Hall assembled a professional recording studio in an old storage room to provide youth the opportunity to engage in the therapeutic process through writing, recording, producing and performing. The origins of the program are chronicled in the award-winning short documentary  Mott Haven, which showcases the efficacy of Hip Hop therapy in addressing trauma and grief in the wake of a school tragedy.


After the passing of his friend and mentor Dr. Edgar Tyson, the originator of Hip Hop therapy, Hall created to serve as a centralized resource for those interested in learning about its theory and application. Due to the impact of his work over the years, Hall won a national Jefferson Award for Outstanding Public Service Benefiting the New York Community in 2020, as well as the 2024 Psychotherapy Networker Vanguard Award.

Financially Sponsored By

  • BrentCare Behavioral Health